Depression is often talked about and often dismissed. When in the midst of depression the creation of art can be difficult, When out of depression it can be difficult to re-engage with those feelings. This is a series of 4 short videos and poems about such experiences.
The Darkness features soluble pencil and was made in August 2014.
The Spark is the sequel to The Darkness. It is a sharing of the stage of recovery and resurrection. It is that dangerous stage when the inner self wakes up and will not be ignored – when it is no longer possible to hide in the dark but not yet possible to stand up to the light. It is the point when one becomes energized but can mainly see and feel negatives.
The Darkness was made primarily in one colour and one method in a simplistic way. This reflected the mental closed down state of mind. The Spark is also limited in colour and method but not as much. There are primarily two colours and more developed materials and technique.
The Light is not just the absence of darkness it is something in it's own right. The moving on and up from the depths to find energy and hope.
Continuing the development of artistic methods in a way that mirrors the subject matter there is a wider amount of technique and a much greater use of colour. The way the images are formed also
mirror the nature of the light.
The final stage in this series. It explores what happens when the light is too much but the shade is hard to trust.
This episode combines a multitude of technique and colour as well as a larger shift between the visual and the audible with the artwork containing a greater amount of stand alone meaning.
This is all 4 parts in one show so that it can be seen without breaks